Monday 18 March 2013

What defines reality?

What defines reality? In reality we have always been held back by rules. Man cannot fly to the moon. Man cannot stay under water long enough to make discoveries of the deep. J.K Rowling’s parents thought she would never make a living as a writer. And above all else remember that smoking is good for you. My obvious point here is the all of these have been disproven. So why does mankind keep saying no, never, and – the one to really make a statement – That. Is. Impossible. But how can anything be truly impossible forever when we can’t see the future. What gives people the audacity to tell their children, “Nope that’s impossible.” A woman I consider to be very wise once said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” Could it be true that nothing is impossible? Are there limits? If we believe it does it become a partial reality? Are we crazy if we believe things most people call impossible or does everyone live in their own version of reality? Whoa lots of questions. Now the real question is.... Is it impossible to answer these questions?

Unidentified awsome quote

"Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring."

Picture of the day